
Build your future in Microsoft Stack Products and Data Analytics

The need to be tech-savvy has never been more important. We provide training for people with no prior IT experience as well as for IT veterans who want to update their skills to keep up with the latest technology on the market.

Our goal is to have our trainees certified, ready to compete in the market, and equipped with technical, professional, and leadership skills.

We believe you get maximum return on the training coupled with optimum learning experience, that makes your expense into an investment.

Training Formats

We aim to provide training from Individual to Organization levels. Choose from our convenient delivery formats to get the training you and your team need.

In-Class Training

In-class training is open for public participation and delivered online. You will join from your desk via remote login and learn from a live instructor with an interactive and immersive learning experience.

Bespoke Training

We can work with you to customize any of our existing programs or develop something new for you. Training content and outcomes based on your context and sample data.

Corporate Training

We deliver training to meet your specific workplace needs from our standard content at a location chosen by you or online or mixed of both.

Bitesize Camps

Bitesize camps are short courses that typically run between 90 minutes and Half days sessions. These sessions help transform relevant concepts into key learning points.

Tailored Training

You can choose topics from our standard programs and we will develop something new for you. Training content based on our files.

Executive Coaching

Ideal for those individuals in demanding job roles who require tailored, concise, and discreet training.


Every training we execute reflects our unique approach, emphasizing attention to detail and personalized service.

To ensure that trainees learn by “doing,” our training sessions include presentations and practical exercises such as hands-on exercises and case studies.

After completing the course requirements, trainees are awarded E-Certificate for course completion.

1. Assessment

We thoroughly examine your needs and pay special attention to details to identify application needs and skill levels.

2. Contracting

Based on the assessment, we issue a training contract containing terms and conditions, quotes, and training particulars.

3. Design

Using our insightful engagement, we develop/design creative training content and hands-on practice exercises.

4. Training Day

Your Tech Savvy journey begins.

5. Post Training

We aim to monitor and evaluate training result and skills development in order to ensure the greate good for our clients.

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