Corporate Training

Choose your training or Let us prepare a custom mix for your need.

TechTAR Solutions offers training from industry professionals and Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) to help your employees build relevant skills.

Our training offers a wide range of topics across business functions, with content created by industry professionals. To help participants learn complicated concepts, training materials include a variety of examples, demos, and practice exercises.

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What makes our training unique?

Customized Training

All of our training can be customized to meet your specific objectives and timescales. Simply tell us more about your work and we’ll tailor training that best suits you.

Delivery Method

All of our training is delivered in-person at your office or at a location chosen by you, remotely through Zoom or Microsoft Teams, or a combination of both.


To minimize the cost per participant, we allow up to 20 attendees exclusively for your company. If you have more than 20 people, you can arrange more classes.

Choosing The Right Course

If you are unsure which course is most appropriate for your team, please contact us and we’ll be very happy to advise you.

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